Feed The Soul Friday - Fruit Salsa

I love that we live right down the road from a cute little strawberry farm, Jerry Marsh Farms. They have some of the best berries around! Scarlett and I went and picked a basket full and I am excited to share with you what we made.



We made a simple and delicious fruit salsa that is perfect for this Summer!



2 large Granny Smith apples; washed, peeled, and chopped into small pieces

1 pound strawberries; washed and chopped

1 cup kiwi; washed, peeled, and chopped

1/2 pound of raspberries; washed

4 TBSP of your choice of strawberry or raspberry preserves (I used raspberry)

1 lemon




1. Combine apples, strawberries, and kiwi into a large bowl and stir.

2. Cut lemon and squeeze up to 2 TBSP of fresh lemon juice over fruit mixture.

3. Fold in raspberries. They will break apart as you fold them in.

4. Stir in 4 TBSP of your choice of fruit preserves. 

5. Serve with cinnamon tortilla chips or cinnamon pretzel chips. 


My family loved this easy recipe! I hope you enjoy it too. If you try it out, don't forget to tag me on social media and let me know.


Love and lemons,

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